BJWS Instructors receive Awards of Gratitude from their former Students.
These Instructors trained their "Yanks" to the utmost - to be sure that
they would survive the War in Viet Nam. From L to R: Ray Hardie and Tony
Rossell (RAVC) and Kelly Ilolahia (NZ SAS). Thank you so much, gentlemen! |
Ft. Gordon Instructors receiving their Awards. Paul Louder and Phil
Hooks are also recipients - and we're sorry that we didn't have them ready! From L to R:
DeWitt Roberts, Dick Baumer, Mike Landers and Neil Couch. Job well done, guys! |
Ray Hardie and Tony Rossell brought a special plaque and plate from the
RAVC to their former trainees. We were so pleased to accept them. |
The Recipients of the First ANNUAL STUBBY AWARDS: From L to R:
John Dupla, Bobby Konarske and James E. Fulton III. A special word of thanks
for James - who was of ultimate support for every part of this Reunion! THANKS,
Here with our Mascot, Stubby, is part of the NORCFC crew who are solely
responsible for the contents of the website, commentary and newsletters. From L to
R: Chet Ellingson III, Dick Burke, Sue Rodgers and Dave Layne. |
Tracker Historian Martin Murray with his Award. Martin has traveled
literally around the world to document the Tracker history - Thanks, Martin! |
"Are you sure you don't want to go on a night mission with Sambo, the
Team and me, George?" Frank Merritt and George Cholewcznyski discussing Tracker
Missions. George is the author of "Poles Apart: The Polish Airborne at the
Battle of Arnhem" and an expert on airborne history. He has become one of us
now. Welcome, George! |
Neil Couch, Frank Merritt and Martin Murray - Frank was telling Martin to
get Neil's Airborne cap and give it to the GRRRRLLLS - who are featured in the next photo. |
"No, GRRRRLLS, you DON'T have to go tracking - I promise."